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Prices are listed per one trimester

Pre Ballet, Body Form, Modern and Creative Movement

1x per week

5 990 Kč

2x per week

10 990 Kč

Attendance 1x per week is possible for Creative movement, Pre Ballet and Modern only.



10 990 Kč

CLASSICAL BALLET with Supplementary classes

Classical Ballet + 2 supplementary

14 150 Kč

Classical Ballet + 3 supplementary

16 150 Kč

To support their training, dancers attending Classical Ballet grades (compulsory 2x per week) may attend Bodyform, Repertoire and/or Modern as Supplementary classes at a reduced cost.

Attending classes of lower grades is free of charge.

Intensive Lessons (75 min.)

Weekly enrollment

1 800,- Kč

Intensive lessons are also open to external dancers upon agreement. The price of Intensive lessons is divided by the number of attendees at weekly sign ups. The minimum cost of the class is 440Kč per dancer.


1 lesson

10 lessons

60 minutes

1 650,- Kč

14 300,- Kč

75 minutes

1 980,- Kč

17 600,- Kč

90 minutes

2 480,- Kč

20 900,- Kč

Family discount

We offer a discount on the second tuition if both tuitions are paid by the same person (applies to siblings or parents and their children)
When paying two half tuition (attending 1x per week) we offer a 10% discount on the second half tuition.
When paying one full tuition (attending minimum 2x per week)) and one half tuition (attending 1x per week), we offer a 15% discount on the half tuition).
When paying two full tuition (attending minimum 2x per week) we offer a 20% discount on the second tuition.

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