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Carlos Ruiz

Dance pedagogue

Originally from México Carlos, started his formal classical dance education at the Escuela Superior de Música y Danza in Monterrey, Mex. Later on, he joins the second company of Milwaukee Ballet, in USA. He continue his professional development at diverse companies and festivals in USA, Mexico, Germany and Czech Republic, including the Berlin arts festival, Ballet Magdeburg, Divadlo F. X. Šaldy among others.

With vast experience as an artist and teacher he has been teaching the American Ballet Theater National Training Curriculum since he got his certification in Sweden. Carlos has a BA in Organizational Psychology from the Tecnólogico de Monterrey, México and a Master in Cultural Management by the Rome Bussines School. Currently he is a member of the National Theater Opera Company and a pedagogue at the First International Ballet School of Prague.


Main pedagogue, school founder

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Anna received her training at the School of Huntsville Ballet Company. She joined the company, dancing in classics such ...


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